Y’all I went to my ultrasound yesterday. I’m about 29 weeks and baby is breached. With my other two nobody said a single word about breached but when both the ultrasound tech and OB saw they were like “oh baby is breached” which kind of made me concerned. I know i have a few more weeks for baby to turn but did anybody else go through this? I just don’t want a csection! Picture for attention!
My baby is transverse breech right now but doctor told me they don’t really start checking position until 37 weeks as they still do a lot of moving until then. Only reason I know she’s transverse is she was measuring small so we had another ultrasound at 32 weeks. Don’t stress you have plenty of time for baby to change position
My middle daughter was breached late in the game. I just did a ton of walking. She ended up flipping in time. You still have plenty of time! Good luck!