Ladies question how many times should 3 month old have poopy diaper in a day?
My son only poops once a day and barley sleeps . Today he refuses formula since 6 am im very concerned. Gonna give his pediatrician a call tomorrow but before i do i wanted to hear ur opinions

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I mean she poops over or twice a day.
18.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
My 3mth old maybe once or sometimes twice. Harper likes to eat though but she will go a good while sometimes without any formula. She just don't want it. Some days she seems real hungry other days not so much she seems normal and gains so not worried. the pooping seems like the same with my daughter.
18.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Your baby sounds like he may be a little constipated! Try windi!
18.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
My 3 month old is ebf and poops once a day. Sometimes every other day. She sleeps fine except during sleep regressions,growth spurts or when shes had sensory overload from a long day which happen quite often with little ones. My daughter is gaining weight fantastically and eating very well and has enough wet and poopy diapers. So all i can say is if hes gained weight ok, eats well, has wet diapers and poops at least once a day i wouldnt worry. Sleeping in short spurts often is very common with little ones.
18.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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