Is there a certain amount dilated that even if you aren't in active labor they won't let you go home? The most I've been is 5 and they made me stay but that was because I was preterm. But if you go to a check up and you are like 5 or 6 will they induce you? I've never made it this far in a pregnancy without induction so I'm totally clueless.

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@kandaceteresa OK thank you
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kandaceteresa this happened to my nurse as well. She was 6 cm dialated and still sent home for about another week until she went into labor on her own
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
No when I was pregnant with my last I was 38 weeks and 7cm at my check up, they still sent me home. I went home and had sex and ended up having her that night though
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am only 3cm I walked around 4 for a month with my first. But was just curious as to what steps they take once you are very close to term and dilated far but not contracting
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
If youre not contracting they will probably send you home. I don’t believe they would induce until a few more weeks.
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was 4cm for weeks with my oldest, I was sent home at 5.5-6cm. I went overdue with him.
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bigmama18, Absolutely correct if you were a 5-6 you’d be in active labour for sure. We generally keep women at 4 because even then they are usually having contractions completely depends on the patient, as some can walk around at 4cm for days.
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you go in and are at a 5-6 I’m sure they will send you to L&D. They will probably stip your membranes or break your water to send you into active labor. I think by the time most people get to that you’re already in labor. I know at one of the hospitals I delivered at. Anything 4 and over they keep you.
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
They’d not induced you unless it was medically necessary. For induction the risks of baby remaining in must outweigh the risks of delivering early. How many CM are you dilated? Generally if your not in active labour they will send you home unless your membranes have ruptured 😊 I walked around 3cm dilated for almost 3 weeks with my daughter Memphis.
17.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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