When you’re engaged and don’t even feel engaged. Zero intimacy, zero connection, zero communication. I even tried to communicate about putting me on the account for finances, being that I am In nursing school and he has agreed to be the sole provider (he makes more than enough to do so). He said he’d look into it almost a week ago and still nothing. He expects me to ask for every little thing. So if I’m out and about I don’t have access to funds if I needed something. I think that’s pretty selfish and ridiculous if we are going to be married.. and I know other people have shared similar opinions. I’m just wondering, what do I do from here? Like he doesn’t seem to understand that when I say “I don’t have any money” or I’m upset because I’m struggling that he should just take initiative and offer help. He thinks I should have to ask for each and everything thing in that moment. I’m tired of arguing over money, this shouldn’t even be a thing. He just throws it up in my face that he pays the bills and says what would I do if he wasn’t here.