so i was just reading and it said only fraternal twins are heredity but twins dont run in my family at all but there are fraternal and identical twins on his side of the family so now im confused
Fraternal= hyper ovulate (more than one egg released) can be genetic on woman’s side.
Identical= random thing that happens. Egg splits in two (or more). No ones fault.
@erikanbethune2, It can happen to anyone, just chances are higher for women who have other women in the family who’ve carried twins. There’s no way a man’s family history can have an impact on his partner carrying twins. Congrats on your twins!
@erikanbethune2, Are you having identical or fraternal twins? You carrying twins is just something that happened & has nothing to do with what happened on your SO’s side of the family.
Twins have to run on the woman’s side of the family for it to have an impact on the pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if they are on the man’s side of the family.
For example my grandma was a twin, she had my dad then my dad had twins, I had my son and there’s a good chance my son will have twins. It usually skips a generation... if that makes sense at all