Is It Normal for a 3-Year-Old to Sleep Constantly with a Respiratory Infection?
So my 3 year old has an upper respiratory infection and for 2 days he's done nothing but sleep. He won't eat and barely drinks anything. I'm litterally forcing fluids in him. Is this normal and is there anything else I should be doing. At this point I'm out of options.
@grumpy.gretchen Yea all my kids have been off and on sick since they started day care back in July. He saw the Pediatrician yesterday but if he's not making any improvement over the weekend I'm taking him back.
When my son was 16 months he started at daycare and was sick CONSTANTLY! So I understand the worry. Unless he’s so lethargic that he limp or you can’t wake him at all, running a crazy fever for a few days, and not keeping any fluids in I wouldn’t worry too much. You can always try to ring his pedi to ease your mind :)