Erica Acire
Erica Acire
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BD & I argued just now. It's over no more us seeing how things are going to go. He never wanted to be with me, I was just hoping for it...Feeling sick and disappointed in myself

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Thank you ladies! Much love to you all!! XO
14.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ooh girl I know this too well. You can do so much but no matter what when the love ain’t rooted deep, it won’t have a thing to do with the situation. I’m learning to put myself first. Forgive myself for allowing a person to have control over me and how I’m feeling. Rediscover myself, find that love from deep within and spread it all throughout my body and my life. I had to process the hurt. I had to feel every aspect of it and allow it to pass through. This is the season of learning and growth. It’s not going to be comfortable but it’s for the betterment of your true essence. Go for it. Make you and your baby that light of your life and watch how the whole vision/ perception changes. ☝🏽
14.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Girl if I’ve learned anything it’s don’t stay Don’t do this. You deserve the world at your fingertips. I’m in a situation now that isn’t healthy and I’ll get where I need to go when the time comes but do you boo boo. Don’t ever let someone draw your stars
14.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Make that guy single!!!!
14.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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