I love my daughter with every inch of me but I also envy every woman that is living the early years of her life with no kids 😢 It just gets so hard especially when you’re on your own. I have two jobs and still don’t feel like I’m doing enough. I don’t get breaks because after work I’m at another job and after that I have Niya . Sometimes I want to go back and change my decisions not because I don’t want my daughter but because I feel I am failing at being a mother and as a person in general. I just wish I could be in a better situation with her, she deserves soooo much better than this! As time goes on I feel more and more horrible like I’m doing so much and it’s not making a difference at all!!!!!!! 😢😭💔
Even though I had her young. I see her now and where we are at and every struggle and thing I didn’t get to do, doesn’t matter. You may be missing out on some things during your Younger years but think of all the fun and exciting things you will be able to do when she’s a bit older and your still young :).