@alyboo102293 yeah seriously! Like all you think about is your butt. I just ordered a squatty potty and more creams on Amazon. Haha, literally only thinking about my butthole, how adorable my daughter is and that I cant wait to get this pressure over with that this 2nd baby is causing. But I'm dreading waking up and sitting to feed him all the way theough the nights. Eek! Jesus take the wheel.
@baby2comingup Idk if you can does this while that far along but what has helped me when they are inflamed is sitting in a very warm bath. No soap. Just warm water for a while. I feel brand new afterwards lol.
@mommyof.3 I'm sitting in a hot bath right now with witch hazel, lavender oil and tea tree oil. I didnt have Epsom salt. Ive heard you're supposed to do this after every single poop and every day... But honestly, how? We have kids.
@mommyof.3 it's so weird that they just show up. I had a c section with my first baby. I dilated to an 8, but never pushed or anything. 2 weeks later they just showed up sooo bad. It took a couple weeks for them to stop being inflamed, but they never left. They're just in a state of inflamed or not. Now they're very very inflamed. I'm guessing a lot of pressure from being so close to the end of my pregnancy.
I have several and it sucks but I have no idea how to get rid of them. I started getting them a few years before having my first baby and they just kept showing up and now I have like 2 big ones and a bunch of little ones. I'm hoping I won't need surgery to get rid of them but so far thats the only possibility. Both of my parents had/have them. It sucks.
@baby2comingup, yes I remember how bad they were after my 3rd I was shoving tuck pads and frozen pads between my ass cheeks all night I’m so not looking forward to my first bm after my next c section cause that’s when they get bad but I am thankful they aren’t hurting right now because when it does hurt you’re so aware of your butthole that it’s all you think about all day 😂 it’s funny but sad 😩
@alyboo102293 oh man. Definitely be thankful they don't hurt. Mine are so painful I am struggling to sleep. Same as after I had my daughter too. Missed a lot of sleep bc my butt just hurt so bad. Lots of tears then too I remember.
I’m hoping they go away like they look fucking terrible just by the feel of things in the shower the other night I wanted to cry my problem is I’m not even straining and they don’t hurt right now😒 they are just there I’m so annoyed.
@baby2comingup girlll they did. They gave him hydrocodone but with stitches being there inside,and,outside and still having to go bathroom.. He screamed im not even kidding. They said recovery can last 5 months (but this is the VA so that could be why!)
@bitchcraft if you only have one its probally not too bad girl! He had 2 external and the rest internal internal.. Ive only seen the man cry twice in 7 years and he cried like a baby. It was awful
It hurts worse getting them removed girl! My husband had hemorrhoid removal a few months ago from lifting weights his whole life and holy hell... I'm never going through with that lol.
@amouryaya09 eek! Oh man. I feel for you, I'm so sorry! As much as people fear c-sections, I had one with my first and I'm fully leaning in to embrace this 2nd one.
@amouryaya09 that's exactly what I'm dealing with. I have a c section scheduled for Friday and thank Jesus, because I can't even imagine pushing a baby out and the aftermath when it's so bad right now.