38 odd things about me. Play along
1. Do you like blue cheese? Never tried it.
2.coke or Pepsi? Coke
3.do you own a gun? Yes
4. What flavor of Kool aid ? Don't drink it.
5. Hot dogs ? No
6. Favorite TV show? Grey's anatomy as of now.
7.do you believe in ghosts? Yes
8. What do you drink in the mornings? Water.
9. Can you do a push up? Yep
10. Fave jewelry? Rings
11. Favorite hobby? Crafting
12. Do you have ADD? No
13. Do you wear glasses? Yes
14. Favorite cartoon character? Peter Griffin.
15. Three things you ate yesterday
Vegi straws, rice cake, and salad
16. Three things you drink regularly. I only drink water and protein shakes.
17. Current worries? Having surgery soon.
18.do you believe in magic? I would like to.
19. Favorite place to be? Anywhere my daughter and husband are.
20. how did you ring in the new year? With my family eating pizza and watching scary movies.
21. Where would you like to go? France
22. Name 5 people who will most likely do this. Idk
23. Favorite movie? All kinds of horror movies.
24. Favorite color? Black
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets. No
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Where are you now? Home
28. Where would you rather be? No where
29. Favorite food. Don't have one
30. Least favorite thing to do? Fold laundry.
31. Best job you can think of? Pilot
32. What's in your pockets? Don't have any
33. Last thing that made you laugh? My daughter.
34. Favorite animal? Wolf
35. What is your most recent injury? Cuting my leg open.
36. How many TV's are in your house? 2
37. Worst pain ever? Giving birth to my daughter with no epidural.
38. Do you like to dance? Yes my daughter and I have dance party's all the time lol.