Going to work 5 days a week, going to the gym, hunting camp, sit on the couch and watch football and play on your phone VS breastfeeding a 3 month old and caring for them with reflux and colic, potty training a 2 year old, having no income, nursing school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, groceries, being the only one that wakes up all night with the baby, bathes the kids, etc...
SO which do you think is more stressed?
Sounds like you have a lot of stress and not enough play time. You need time off as well. Join a gym so you can leave him at home with the kids while you get some time off. If you’re not a fan of the gym, go walking every evening so you can get alone time. Book a girls night out with your friends once a month. SAHM need time off as well and sometimes men don’t see that. You have to take care of yourself so you are able to take care of everyone.