Going to work 5 days a week, going to the gym, hunting camp, sit on the couch and watch football and play on your phone VS breastfeeding a 3 month old and caring for them with reflux and colic, potty training a 2 year old, having no income, nursing school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, groceries, being the only one that wakes up all night with the baby, bathes the kids, etc...

SO which do you think is more stressed?

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If you guys are engaged and planning on getting married, you should have access to all bank accounts. It’s no longer his money or your money. It is a WE/OUR. Talk to him and tell him you need access to all bank accounts.
Sounds like you have a lot of stress and not enough play time. You need time off as well. Join a gym so you can leave him at home with the kids while you get some time off. If you’re not a fan of the gym, go walking every evening so you can get alone time. Book a girls night out with your friends once a month. SAHM need time off as well and sometimes men don’t see that. You have to take care of yourself so you are able to take care of everyone.
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ecahanes, @skyee.niicole4, @rndmshtt, @sadie.w, @tribe.of.judah, and to top that off, we’re engaged. Yet I have zero access to finances or any idea of what money is going where or how much we have. I have 50$ in my savings left to my name and I have to ask him for everything. I practically
Had to beg for him to buy this 20$ toy for our daughter. I buy all of their clothes and everything on credit cards because I can’t ask him for anything.. yet who just said they have over $3,000 in their savings account?! Meanwhile I’m constantly struggling and worrying about money. How is that okay?! Is that just normal? Should I just accept that? Should I have to ask for every little thing vs just being allowed access to the money if he’s agreed to be the “breadwinner” while I am in nursing school. I still don’t even have a book I need for school. I’m so frustrated and all of our arguments seem to stem back to money. Yet, he was totally fine with dishing out a couple grand to buy hunting land.
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
The 8 weeks i stayed home caring for our newborn, who was colicky and had horrible reflux. As well as taking care of our home, entertaining guests multiple times weekly and also making time for my SO was the most exhausting while trying to heal from my csection ( my stitches actually opened twice from doing too much ).

I always admire mothers who are SAHM because i honestly cant do it. Aside from the missing income, its too suffocating for me. Although i would love to spend every minute of my day with my daughter I was exhausted, depressed, and very short fused. &’ I want to be the best version of myself for me, and my family 💗
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
This scares me so much🤐😐 got 5 weeks left with a 13 month old and I definitely understand your pain hun I get up all night and do all those crazy nonstop things for everyone else and at the end of the day I'm like what about me 🙄 #momlife
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I thought this was going to be a before kids thing soooo I will say the second 😩 things will get easier momma
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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