i have been emotional lately, not wanting to give up breastfeeding but not sure if my son is wanting it ): he’s been fussy lately, sometimes it takes a couple tries to get him latched. i don’t get it because he was doing so good at latching.. he spits up a couple times through out the day which i heard was normal. but he’s wanting to stay latched literally almost all day.. besides during naps. is this normal? does it mean he’s not getting full?

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Has he been checked for a lip tie or tongue tie? Both of those can cause problems latching. Does it seem like he kind of falls off the nipple during a feeding? He might be swallowing too much air and that will cause excess gas which can explain the crying.

As far as wanting to be latched all the time that’s normal. It’s comforting for babies.
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, thanks for the help
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, i have cut out things that i thought was upsetting his stomach, like cows milk and chocolate and ice cream. but i’m worried he’s just not getting enough milk now. don’t want to give up nursing either. praying his doctor can help me figure out what’s going on 😟
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, yes it does get frustrating sometimes. today i tried giving him one dose of colic relief drops. he did take a pretty good nap afterwards but when he woke up i burped him and he threw up an amount that i haven’t seen before. not sure if it was because of the drops. i have lots of questions for his pedi.. hopefully she has patience that day because i am a concerned frustrated mother 🤯😟
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, i seen a lactation nurse couple weeks ago, but he does have an appointment with his pediatrician this week. hopefully she can help me out.
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, i was thinking that also but he’s been this way for about a week, almost like colic symptoms but i’m not to sure. i’m trying different things when it comes to calming him down.
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@fakoffyeh, about how long do they last?
11.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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