Mary Carpenter
Mary Carpenter
Well my standard pregnancy insomnia is about 4 hrs or less per 24 hr days right now. No naps, just an hr here and an hr there theough the night and then laying awake the rest of the night. This has been happening for weeks now. I feel like I'm a shell of a peroan and barwly functioning. I'm not looking forward to my baby getting here I'm just exhausted and depressed. I just want to be my first baby and my husband and I and the rest of this to just go away. Something I hate to admit...but that's where it is.

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@baby2comingup that's so sad :( it should not be considered normal to be experiencing extreme side effects, no wonder it's so hard for mum's, there's such a big lack of support which is considered a part of becoming a mother. I don't think that being mother means you have to fight through your feelings and put yourself aside all the time while everyone else around you just watches you struggle. That's so messed up.
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@leigha.mazur I get that. I love my ob, but truly it doesn't seem to matter if you're barely hanging by a thread as long as your baby isn't in danger. I threw up for 9 entire months my first pregnancy and had the worst headaches in the world, but my baby was healthy so my hating my life for 3/4 of a year wasn't even considered.
My friend was asked if she was depressed at one of her appointments and she said yes. The response given was. "Well... You're pregnant so that's normal." 😭
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@baby2comingup that's true 😅 I'm glad that medical science has brought us to such a safe era of childbirth but I really wish that mental health would become just as important as physical health. The town I live in only has ob/gyn's so they don't really have time to focus on anything other than serious problems. This makes me feel like it's not even worth bringing up anything during the already rushed appointment. I had a doula for my last pregnancy but this time around with all our renos I just can't afford it.
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@leigha.mazur it's so disappointing how much is just a standard norm of pregnancy. The upside is we're so much less likely to die in childbirth than women used to be... So I mean, I guess we're not dead huh? 😞😴
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I feel the same way, I'm 34 weeks and I have pregnancy insomnia on top of a 2 year old going through a huge sleep regression and I work full time. We are also doing big home renos so I don't even get time to rest on the weekends. It's really difficult and I feel like nothing helps. I've told my doctor how tired I am (I also have really low iron) and he just shrugs it off as normal 😔 I hope you're able to get some sleep soon!! You're not alone in your sleep struggle
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ashleybradford92 no, I can't even imagine anyone can help me. Sleep aids, magnesium, melatonin, nyquill, even all paired together 😳 aren't helping me sleep.
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm so sorry. Have you spoken to your OB? Really hope you get some rest soon hun.
09.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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