Keeondra Carroll
Keeondra Carroll
I'm thinking of switching my lol boy to formula but I feel guilty like I feel like I should but I shouldnt.... ugh at firstbi had over supply and froze a whole bunch and was producing alot and he has trouble latching so I'm having to pump and now my boobs are not filling as quickly and he is wanting almost 6oz every2_3 hrs and my boobs just feel like they are going to give up on me like I'm getting milk out still but I feel like itbisnt enough.... fml

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Fed is best! Whatever is best for you and your family is best for baby! My son refused to latch so I pumped for 8 weeks until my milk dried up on its own. We switched to formula and he was and still is completely healthy.
08.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Have you tried a nipple shield for latching? It’s the only way my son will latch. My daughter was the same way.
08.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Your breasts will stop feeling full around 6 weeks pp because they finally start producing what he needs. Let him cluster feed and then your breasts will know how much to make.
08.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Do what you have to do to feed baby. And to keep your sanity. Making sure you are both alive and happy is number one. I formula fed my first because of latching issues. So far my 2 month old is exclusively breastfed, but if something happens and formula becomes the best option, so be it.
08.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
I bf my daughter 4 months till I got mastitis but this lil one don't like latching ... idk I feel like my boobs are going flat lol
08.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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