Kimberly Ohnstad
Kimberly Ohnstad
If you pump and breastfeed, and have to supplement to build supply cause you don't make enough can you tell me what it looks like? How often do you breast feed? How long do you breastfeed each baby? How often do you pump? How long do you pump? How much suppliment do you offer? How much is taken? Is it all formula, or all expressed milk, or a mix? My baby girl seems good at nursing when she wants but doesn't get enough, but stops her suppliment bottle after an ounce or ounce and a half. Her brother however will nurse for way longer, but want 3 to 4 ounces suppliment on top of it. My daughter only seems to want food every 3 ish hours, my son wants food every 2 and for both it is always in the same quantity. If I just give my son a bottle he takes 4 ounces and is fine, but if he breastfeeds seems to need 4 ounces after all the time breastfeeding... I have attempted to give him less, and sometimes he is content with less, but other times it just draws out fusing and eventually he gets overtired and if you give him the additional ounce he stops. I really want to build my supply so they can just eat breast milk, but I just can't seem to manage it. They are 4 weeks old today.

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