What are you planning on naming your beautiful baby?👶 I'm curious I have my son's named picked of course he's getting named after his dad 😊 he will be a Jr.
Since we wont know gender. Girl will be a Natalee (yes spelled with 2 e's) boy were SO stuck. Either Liam or Logan probably Logan. Its the middle name for the boy we still can't agree on😏
@mariciaxo, oh I like that nickname! Mine will be William, each generation has their own nickname, but they never used Liam before, which is what we selected. Well to be honest, I selected, but husband approved, though he will mainly call him William.
Same with us! As soon as we knew it was a boy, his name was selected, but he won’t be a Jr. , he will be a VI. Can’t really end it after that many generations. We WILL be using a unique nickname though.