Emily Mallegni
Emily Mallegni
There is one little bookshelf in our house that my daughter cannot seem to stay off of. She takes all of my things off the shelves and no matter what I've tried, discipline wise, she still does it. We've tried telling her no, explaining that those aren't her things, and timeout.

The simple solution would be to get rid of the bookshelf, but my mother has a house packed full of shelves and breakables, etc and my daughter doesn't touch any of them. If she does start to go after something she stops immediately when told not to. I know she's capable of understanding, but not sure what her fascination with this particular shelf is...

Anyone have any ideas?

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@sweetiedarling90 I could definitely do that with the gate. I let her crawl around the house freely because we just moved and don't even have half of our things here yet. Im thinking maybe she pays it so much attention because it's one of the only pieces of furniture around lol.
05.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Your attention and reaction to her doing it. My son was the same. I put a baby gate around it for 2 months and he forgot it ever existed.
05.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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