Questions for My Husband: A Thread by A Confused Wife/Mom

1. How are YOU always tired?
> You get good sleep at night, or at least I assume so based on ur loud ass snoring the keeps me up. Not to mention that ur nipples are f*ckin useless, so it ain't like ur up feeding our daughter in the middle of the night...therefore losing sleep.

2. Do you really think waking me up for sex at 3am is a good idea?
> Bruh. I was just up at 2:27am letting our daughter suck the life out of me via breastfeeding. I'm f*ckin tired, no I don't feel sexy, and screw you for interrupting my damn sleep!

3. Do you think I'm a magician?
> We live in California...not Hogwarts, Narnia, or any other magical place. Due to this fun fact, I need you to understand that I canNOT do everything. I'm an expert juggler...but I'm not a damn magician! Stop expecting me to pull a rabbit out my ass whenever you need something special (aka stupid and outlandish)

4. Is my name Ms. Cleo?
> No. It's not. That means that I am NOT pretending to be psychic and canNOT read your damn mind! Please just tell me what you mean/want/need/think and save us both alot of time and irritation.

5. Aren't these your kids too?
> The answer to that is YES, yes they are. Being that these little humans are the fruit of ur loom..."ask ya mama" is NOT an appropriate answer for all things needed by the kids. Answer some f*ckin questions, and make some damn decisions.

6. Is my name Molly?
> No. It's not. I don't run a cleaning service and I ain't a damn maid, so get yo ass up and clean some of this sh*t up. Preferably the toilet where u and our son obviously have bouts of epilepsy, or chronic diminishing depth perception, each time you take a evident from my piss droplet bathroom floors!!! How tf do u miss???

I will be adding to this list as time goes on...but feel free to add your own questions to your spouses in the comments lol.

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@ladya16, exactly lol.
Down fall is my bf gets tired sometimes after just cleaning one room of apartment a and doing laundry because his knees hurt so much
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@colorfuldreams awww poor guy. But better a hard worker complaining about being tired than a half asser
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ladya16, right... my ex bf would work part time while I worked full time and he would complain 🙄
Like please🙌🏻
I’d love to only work 4 hours a day ...
he acted like taking out the trash was so much of a chore after being at work.

My current bf works his ass off in I.T full time but he’s got low energy stamina so he gets tired fast on top of that he’s got messed up knees that hurt constantly
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
@colorfuldreams @2sweetie I swear these men have it so easy...but swear they have it hard lol. I really wish that I could be a man for a day...just to get some rest lol
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hilarious! 😂 My husband is always complaining about being tired even though he goes to bed before me and wakes up after me and doesn’t have to to nurse, nurse, nurse the baby ALL DAY LONG!!!!
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
This made me laugh a little and be like daaaaamn.

#1 listed XD
“How are you always tired”

Like right .... I’m the one getting up every 3-4 hours to feed and change diapers.
Do you take the night shift? I don’t think so?
Men always complain about being tired no matter what and it’s like .... 🙄
04.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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