QUESTION! does breastfeeding contribute to weight loss? I def have been losing a little weight. I def am able to notice a difference. My son will be 10 months tomorrow.
Yes. I was 123 lbs before I got pregnant and now I’m 119 lbs and my son is 4.5 months. My clothes are baggy on me. I only go to the gym once a week and the rest of the time I’m just busy being a mom and going about my day.
@dinamarie1995 ahh yeah I'm def at the point where i feel like it's sucking all my energy n ect out of me! But i think I'm getting really unhealthy and need to transition him to formula at least he's almost 1 years old. Because i often feel sick and drained from breastfeeding.
I technically lost while I was pregnant I gained what my daughter was which was 7 pounds. Smoothies helped me feel a little better since I couldn’t eat much. Please don’t let your self get to bad. I did and it almost killed me. I went to the doctors and they told me if I didn’t get healthy I wouldn’t be able to raise my daughter. It helped me eat a little more but I know how hard it is! I was also in icu for 6 days half weight and half other issues. But it’s no joke so people breast feed to loose weight after babies. And there are some that get really sick. As they literally suck us dry as they say! Being in the hospital made me stop breast feeding. The baby helps get more milk out I believe but pumping gets most out.
@dinamarie1995 yes see im normally 138-145 and rn i don't even want to know what i weigh. Smh. N my son eats alot omg, he's feeding rn as im typing this honestly. And i just wanted to breasfeed him because they said it was better.
I think it will be the same because it so many calories your “burning” from producing the milk. I hated it it. I was sickly small. I am normally 135 and I got done to 110. I didn’t have the weight to loose. My whole family said it looked like I was on drugs I wasn’t. Just breast feeding. I’ve been trying to eat more this time around but it’s not working. I don’t have an appetite as it is. And I get sick if I eat a lot. But try and snack more
@dinamarie1995 ahhh this is my first n i feel like im jus continuously losing weight. I dont like it at all at all. If i just pump will it be the same? And then ive been hearing of boobs deflating?
Not really sure, about 1yr. Im not losing weight now, i got fat. Im assuming when i wean my hormones will change again and ill gain a little then too. Bc everyone is different, pill made me gain.