@msalohakitty, yes girl! All this extra stress! All I can do is leave it in Gods hand now! I have done a lot of google reading too, even though I know I shouldn’t lol
@bailey.sandoval, omg of course she’d be hiding lol getting ultrasounds can be so nerve wrecking especially when they think they see something on there but a lot of times the babies come out perfectly fine I looked up a lot of stories on google when my baby had the markers and everyone’s baby was born without anything wrong I wish I hadn’t stressed so much about it
@msalohakitty, I had the MaterniT21 done and it come back negative. I just had another ultrasound this past Tuesday and baby girl wasn’t showing us her face, so next ultrasound is in 4 weeks to check again
@bailey.sandoval, thank you! And I hope everything turns out good your baby will be perfect regardless 😊 do you have to wait until birth to know for sure or another test?
@msalohakitty, that is wonderful! I’m so happy for you, your baby girl is beautiful! My anatomy scan came back with a short nasal bone, which is a high marker for downs. My blood work came back negative. So now it’s a waiting game.
Yea bright spot on my baby’s heart and she was born perfectly fine they told me not to worry but I did the follow up blood work anyways since I was so paranoid but everything was normal