I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow. We find out the gender next Thursday. I'm so ready to be able to start feeling baby move around. I worry sometimes if its okay in there since I can feel it yet. Does anyone else ?
@morganv716, I’m really sorry you had a still born. Try to be positive about this experience no matter what. Everything is going to be just fine mama 🤗
I got an at home Doppler so when I was feeling super paranoid I could listen to his heartbeat. I didn’t use it very often but it really helped after I had miscarried my first. They are like 40-50 dollars but can be so worth it.
@morganv716, well whether you have a prince or princess it’s beautiful that you have your kingdom ❤️ enjoy pregnancy mama you’ll reach a point where the kicks will annoy you lol (but when they don’t happen you go mad)
I do too. Other weeks i swear i felt the movement.. But now nothing..
All i know on my last prenatal visited i heard the heart beating. I worry if my baby is fine and what is it doing.. If not moving.. Im sure everything is fine..
Completely normal to feel that way. I think I started feeling movement around 20w with my son. And after a while I was like ‘omg stop!!’ Lol He would always shove his knee into my side and it drove me bonkers. 😂 But it will happen soon enough and hopefully you don’t get a night owl!