Stephii Christine
Stephii Christine
I’m 39 weeks, today my OB said if I’m still pregnant by next week then they gonna schedule me to be induced. And I really don’t want to be induced because I heard it doubles your chances of having a c section. But I’m super scared that I will need to be induced because I’m not even gonna lie.. I have been very inactive and I’m worried that because of that my labor will be delayed. Some people tell me not to worry because no matter if I was working out everyday or being a couch potato that the baby still won’t come until HE IS READY. But idk, I just really want to go into labor on my own but if I don’t I know I’m gonna feel like it’s my fault.

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you can definitely decline the induction. if its not medically needed i wouldn't do it. women can go pasted 42+ weeks. infection from what?. i know they usually try to push people to go to the hospital asap when their water breaks for risk of infections.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
TYPICALLY baby will come when baby is ready. That’s true. But sometimes they do need to be coaxed. Lol. My OB told me that all the recommendations out there to “start labor” are just old wives tales. They don’t really work. I tried them once I hit 40 and none of them seemed to work for me either.
At my 40w appt they did an US to see if he could go longer. He was measuring at 9lbs by US but my OB felt my belly and said he was probably 8.5lbs. His fluid was a little low but she said he could probably go another week. I was in PAIN by then because he was so heavy and he lived in my pelvis. She scheduled my induction for 40+5. I went into labor on my own at 40+4 and he was 8lbs 14oz.
I never wanted to be induced either but by 40 weeks I was emotional and in pain. I’m SO glad I went into labor on my own though.
Unless it’s medically necessary (low fluid, etc), then just wait it out if you want to. You don’t have to be induced just because you hit 40w and baby isn’t here. ❤️
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@stephiilovesu, girl same and I’m only 33 weeks. Between my feet hurting and my back. walking is a task.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sara_elizabeth2014, walking is not so easy for me because my feet and ankles start to hurt. Literally walking around the grocery store is a struggle for me.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@stephiilovesu, well yeah you still have time .. if your 39 weeks .. just try walking it does help when you are in labor ..
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@jellybeans_mumm, she said going over 41 weeks increases chances of infection
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Go for a walk everyday. Try having sex. sit on a exercise ball and move your hips around. Do some squats.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Why would your doctor want to induce you? Normally they do it for medical reasons
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Use stairs

Swimming made my son come
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
You can decline an induction. It fine to go over until 42 weeks.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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