Saw this on Facebook and thought I'd share here!
Mommy challenge. No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.
What's your child's name? Sawyer David
Is your child a boy or girl? Boy
What wipes do you use? Flannel reusable wipes
What diapers do you use? Mostly alva pockets but also grovia ones
What baby lotion do you use? Shea Moisture or coconut oil
What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Shea Moisture or burt's bees
Bite, rip or clip their fingernails? Rip
Do you breastfeed? Yes, 21 months and counting
Do you vaccinate? Yes
Believe in circumstance? We did, but had I done proper research I would have chose not to.
Co-sleep or separate? We are in the process of separating but he still comes to our bed in the early morning
Whipping or timeout? Timeout
Carry around GermX? No
Do you believe in CIO method? No
Do you believe in abortion? Yes, I'm pro choice.
Public school or home school? Homeschool for preschool and then more than likely public school for k-12
How many children do you have? 1
How many children do you want to have? Ideally, 3.
Age you were when you had your child(ren)? 21
On birth control? No
Stay at home mom or working mom? Stay at home mom
Baby wear or stroller? Both
Are you a single mother? No
What do you carry in the diaper bag? Diapers, wipes, and change of clothes