*Sorry for the wall of text*

My husband does just about everything. He cooks, cleans, runs errands, and takes care of me if I need something.
He took 5 weeks off from work when our son was born. Most of that time was tending to my needs and changing diapers. My hubby has been back at work for 4 weeks now and I still have a month off left. It seems like everytime I hand our baby to him he gets frustrated really quick if he's fussy. I know I have more patience than he does. I tell him what I do to calm him down (or try to, because lets be honest, sometimes it just doesn't work!). I don't always have a bottle ready for my husband just because my boobs are readily available and I'm not leaving the house(I breastfeed and have been freezing my milk for when I go back to work), but occasionally I will make one.
I get up during the night to change/feed him or if our two dogs need to be let out because he's working.
I feel bad for venting because my husband is amazing, but I just wish I could get a second for myself and that he had more patience. Am I asking too much? 😫

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