Has anybody had issues with their baby being too small for their age? I have a 3 month old and she’s in the 1.5 percentile.. I’m just curious as to what your doctor did with your baby?
@sonya0240 Right, I listen to my sons doctors and gave him formula at 10months and even started him on PediaSure at 14months and none of that helped him at all. With my baby girl I plan to breastfeed for as long as she wants. Doctors can only suggest their opinions and those aren't always the best for your child.
@calebsmommy, I feel kids are going to grow at their own rate. Whether the child be big or small. There’s all different sizes of people and that’s okay...
My Son will be 3 years old soon and has always been off the charts, last time we checked he was in the 2nd percentile. It's just a number I don't stress about it anymore.
My son has been 0 percentile since I was pregnant but last month he made it on the chart he's 4 percentile in height, as long as he isn't losing weight, my pediatrician said not to worry, they'll grow and she never told me to supplement or anything
Thank you! At her 2 month check up she was in the 4th percentile and now at her 3 month is dropped to the 1.5 percentile. So dr. Is concerned and now we have to go back to the dr in 2 weeks. I’m stressing. I’m small and so is my 4yo. But at 2 months he was 10lbs and she was 8lbs.
Yes. My 5 month old JUST got out of the “failure to thrive” percentage rates. At about 2 months old, my dr recommended that I put an extra scoop of formula in his bottle so he could receive more calories. That honestly didn’t make a huge difference, but it helped a little. At 4 months old she advised me to start feeding him green veggies (peas and green beans) This past month he has gained 2 pounds and he’s really starting to chunk up. She said if he’s still gaining a good amount of weight by his next check up, I won’t have to put in an extra scoop of formula in his bottle and she won’t monitor his weight closely anymore. Hope this helps!