Maybe im overreacting but my son is 18 months old and my hubby has a son from a previous relationship and he is 6 years old we live in a two bedroom (moving into a 3 soon) . Im currently 20 weeks pregnant with another boy due in January. So yesterday i go out and bought my son (18 month old) a cute little fire truck bed and buy him a little crib mattress with it, i get home we set it up and its so cute . He slept in his bed with no complications! Well Hubbys son already has a bed and sleeps in our home 2 nights a week. My son just got transferred from the play pen to his big boy bed . Anyways hubby went out and bought my stepson the exact same bed with a crib mattress and everything and it kind of irritated me . We literally just discussed how he needed a bigger bed and were gonna upgrade him to a twin . So i got mad and told him a bunch of stuff on how i dont like how everything my baby gets he gets his son ! Literally BABY things! Its so annoying he's in first grade and gets baby toys and all this stuff he bites my baby and doesn't get any punishment except yelled at ! Ive caught him pinching my baby and acting like my baby just keeps crying for no reason ive caught him putting a blanket around my sons head multiple times and even twisting his arm ! I think it has to do with him getting treated like a baby so acts out cause he knows his dad never sees it of course and he wont get spanked . He even tries to go and cry like a baby its so annoying. He doesnt share or anything . Im always on his back because hes constantly doing evil things to my son but im the only one that catches him and my mil a few times . im at my witts end with this ! Back to the bed thing i told my husband to take it back and to let my son have his last baby moment's for the next four months before new baby comes ! His son had 5 years of only child and i feel he needs tol grow up and be a big brother cause theyll be another soon i dont need 3 babies around here especially when he is old enough to know right from wrong! hes such a brat and so disrespectful to me and his dad ! Hes constantly being a smart ass and talking back like "well my mom said this and that or my moms is better or my little sister is better and blah blah blah " Help idk what to do anymore am i wrong for being sooo uggh ? He can literally have new toys and because my son is minding his business playing with blocks trying to learn how to play with them he'll come and be like " no david you cant play with that " and take it . my son can switch to multiple different toys and just because hes playing with em he'll literally be behind him taking everything ! Just to not share even when they are my sons toys ! Im so annoyed with this shit

Лучший комментарий

Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. Hitting her step child? That is not good advice.

The bed needs to be returned. Not because it matches the baby’s but because it’s not financially responsible to buy a 6 year old a bed he’s going to grow out of super quick. It’s a waste of money.

As for discipline, that should mainly fall on your husbands shoulders. Have a talk with him and let him know how you feel.
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
If some "stepmom" dared hit my kid, she'd probably have the rest of her meals through a feeding tube. That's terrible advice. Your husband needs to be the one to resolve the issue
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить


@aileenlovee I'm sorry that sounds extremely difficult. I was a preschool teacher so I know all about difficult children that don't act their age. Have you tried praising him when he's doing something nice or something he should be doing? Some kids act out just to get attention. So maybe by pointing out good things he'll start to do them more? Does he get much attention when he's at his mom's?
28.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@xxoceanbabexx ive tried confronting her and talking to her and she walked away like she didnt hear me and drove off . then texted my husband calling me a bitch and all this shit. Shes the one that wont talk not me. And i got it off of offer up 💁
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@xxoceanbabexx i know 😭 but she's just as bad as the kid she hates me for no reason she'd never dare come face to face with me . she flipped out when i went to open house before school started because she expected only him and there son to be there yet her new man was there but im not allowed ?
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@cams. Unfortunately no :( or else i would have. Me and hubby get along so good and things are so peaceful until step son gets here and were both annoyed and just argue a day and its just crazy here until bed time . its sad that i notice it but what can i do when im limited
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aileenlovee, place him in the room then and say he isn’t allowed out until he behaves. But keep saying “what you are doing is not ok, your behavior is not acceptable” and send him to the room, if he’s gotta spend the entire time in the room then oh well, he made those decisions. And if the hubby says it’s not right for him to spend so much time in the room, then say it’s not right for his actions towards the baby
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aileenlovee, do you have somewhere to go for a bit? I mean, you shouldn’t have to leave your home but he’s just not getting it. Sounds like he needs a reality check.
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@roses702 it is im so over it i just want to leave . its been like this for 3 years. Even before my baby came a long. Now imagine my second one here
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
That sounds stressful ah... But I agree @cams you guys need to be a team and respect both of you guys....
He's the child...
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommakuala girl he doesn't care hell see it as my sons not the one allowed to play and have a kick out of it . i shouldn't have to put my baby away because a older kid can't act right he should be the one in his room.
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lostmyveecard exactly how i feel too ! Fuck that . i wouldn't ever hit a kid thats not mine
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aileenlovee, then pull yourself and the baby away from the son (if your hubby is there) have you and the baby relax in the room while the older one is alone. And if someone makes a comment (either hubby or 6 yr old) just say that it’s not ok for the baby to get hurt and if nothing is going to be done about it, then you’ll make sure nothing happens to the little one. Make sure you tell the 6 yr old that it’s not ok for him to treat his brother that way and that’s why he’s no longer able to play with him, if his attitude changes, then he can play with his little brother. But I honestly think your hubby needs to step it up and get the 6 yr old to start acting like a 6 yr old.
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
If some "stepmom" dared hit my kid, she'd probably have the rest of her meals through a feeding tube. That's terrible advice. Your husband needs to be the one to resolve the issue
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@cams and sometimes we fight because my baby wont stop jumping around or being loud so he'll try to discipline him and ive lost my shit because who tf disciplines a baby and not the big kid ! Not physically but just uuugh little slaps on his hand when he should be smacking his older sons hand for taking my baby's shit !
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommakuala ive done all of this ! 😖 im ready to just give up honestly you dont even know . its ridiculous and i feel myself starting to not look forward when its Wednesday and i know he'll be coming over . Even though of course i dont show it but thats how i feel on the inside
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aileenlovee, ughhhh. That would be a red flag for me. If he’s not willing to discipline the older one, how will it be with the other 2? You guys need to be on a united front.
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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