So my little one was born!
Date: 26 th August
Birth time: 2:30
Birth weight: 9lbs 12 oz
💗Haileigh-Marie Elizabeth Carr💗
Laboured the first 10 hrs without pain relief after an 48 drip which got me to just 2 cm then drip was increased so I progressed into established labour followed by gas and air. Eventually I had pethidine (which did absolutely nothing), I tried an epidural after 3 failed attempts I was left to push my princess out naturally without pain relief! I ended up having stitches because I tore. To then discover I had fell very anaemic due to blood loss and heart rate starting failing so spent the first 24 hrs on gtt scans and heart monitors taking iron. My back I currently very bruised and swollen like the rest of my body and I’m going to be honest but my downstairs is awfully painful but all is well now I’m home with my safe my little girl ready to fight motherhood!!! 😁😁