any mommas on here extreme couponers? if so, is anyone willing to help become one? finally about to hit the end of our diaper raffle stash at 8 months old & i know the cost will kill me 😭
@flamingomom, awesome! i’ll have to try them out, thank you!
27.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve been buying the Up&up Target diapers since I ran out of my baby shower stash. I have never had any issues with them and I love that Target frequently has spend $75 or $100 on baby items, get a $15 or $30 gift card. That’s when I stock up. I also have a red card so I get 5% off.
@elijahsmom, yeah he sleeps 9-10 hours so he would be in the diaper that long. i’ll have try out maybe the small packages of some off brands & see which ones are best for him! thank you!
@agrace15 i have . The only time he leaks is if he sleeps from like 1am to 1pm but its light leakage. Huggies always leaked me for so i never bought those
@agrace15 i like the walmart off brand . I have tried the target ones bc i wont go in tjere for just dipers and actually get diapers so walmart i go. And i like these ones some of my family memebers bought which are called DG baby premium diapers
@breezy81516, he just pees so much so i’m nervous to try certain off brands in case they don’t hold as much & i need to change him more often, causing me to spend more & blah blah... have you found them to be dependable like pampers/huggies?
@elijahsmom, we are using the babies r us brand currently, they’re by far my favorite but as you probably know, they are no longer sold 😭 so he’s not sensitive or needs a specific brand! have you found a good off brand? like is target better than walmart or etc etc?