Has anyone ever taken the weight loss aid Alli??? I have a box and I really need to start my transformation but I heard some things about it and now I'm not so sure I wanna take it
@newlywedmama21, she would mostly have it while in bathroom or if she was trying to “ hold on on bathroom”. Other than that she was mostly fine with perhaps couple “oppsies”.
@gabby.pineda yeah the diet and exercise thing doesn't work for everybody. I can exercise til the cows come home and won't lose a pound. Change my eating and still nothing. The only way ive ever lost weight was through a diet pill that's no longer on the market and getting laser lipo. I just wanted to try something else before I go back to the laser lipo or actual lipo...because I've tried alot! I will read the box thoroughly tho
@patrycjalai lol yup thats what I heard. I heard "anal leakage"...so TMI but did she have to wear like liners or anything or was it just when she went to the bathroom?
What does alli contain? I would read through the ingredients and research on them. I would suggest eating a healthier diet and adding more veggies. Exercise on an elliptical for 30 mins to an hr if possible if not youtube has great videos. My friend has done the keto diet and lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks.