@gabby.pineda ugh this sucks. Ill look that one up though I've never heard of it. But yeah my son doesn't like bottles. Do you work long hours? I just drive for lyft so i try to space it out so i can stop and go feed him throughout the day. But it's hard.
@libra2extra92 I'm not really sure my son never took a bottle. I heard good things about comotomo. I recently started working because of the struggle of not finding a bottle he would take. I just get engorged at work and have my son feed once I'm home! My boobs have got used to it now.
If you don't want to be feeding him as much try formula or try pumping. May I ask why you don't want him to be breastfed as much? If he's on formula he'll be drinking a lot of that too! Formula cost a lot too! My 1st was formula feed and we had to buy him a lot of formula become of all the growth spurt they go through in the 1st year. My 2nd(almost 2) is breastfed and has no desire to stop. That 1st year he drank about 10 times a day and 6 times at night. After a year though they slow down on breastfeeding. My son only drinks 5 times during the day and once at night.