Both my boys have hair. So yes this would of been a prob for me. The way I see it is he’s had it since birth so why not consult with the other parent if you weren’t really feeling the long hair anymore. What y’all think🤔??
Shouldve discussed it with his son first. Then mom. You can see the little boy is sad. Shouldve started with a trim. I feel bad for the kid not the mom 🤷🏻
25.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think ever decision should be discussed with both parents ahead of time
He should have discussed it with the mother first. It doesn’t even matter if you personally don’t like long hair on little boys or not that family had obviously been growing that boys hair for a very long time, it’s not quite the same as a regular haircut. Cutting it have should been a decision they were both in on. Plus that boy looks so upset.
23.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would have to know the entire story.
Was boy complaining of headache?
Did he want it cut?
Or did the dad do it because "boys don't have long hair"
If it was the latter one then I'd be pissed
I would be pissed that my sons dad did it, however, my son will tell me when he thinks he needs a hair cut and says his hair is too long even tho it’s just shaggy.. so I guess it depends on the age of the child.. the child in the pic seems old enough to say if he wants his hair cut or not. However, in my boyfriends religion they can’t cut their hair until they are older so depends on the full situation.
If and only if long hair on boys was a big deal for me...then Yes, I would be sad not pissed.
But since I do not like long hair on boys it wouldnt bother me at all. Honestly I wouldnt even try to let it grow this long to begin with
I would be pisssed. I didn’t cut my sons hair until he was almost 5 at his request, IMO it should be the child’s choice (given the parent properly takes care and can manage the hair). From this picture the little boy does not look impressed at all more like he’s being punished.
Id be mad because it wasn't like a trim or anything. My son stays buzzed so if his got long i wouldn't care but obviously they grew his out really long then dad takes it all off.