Why not?!?! Lol.......

Tattoos ? 5 and counting 😌

Piercings 📍? I had 10 but now I’m down too 5 but getting 2 more in a few months 😍


Marriages 💒? 0

Divorces 💔.? 0

Children 👶? 1 and having my next on Friday 😍❤️

Gotten a ticket 🎫? Nope

Been in Jail/Police Cell🏢? No

Been in a fist fight? Yeaa

Shot a gun 🔫.? No

Ever been drunk? Once

Wrecked a car? No

Been to college? I did online

Farthest you've traveled? Not sure lol I been too Chicago, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida

Been to Disney World? Yes

Been on a cruise? No

Had surgery? Yes

Football fan? I hate watching it but I can throw a ball lol

Job? No

Birthday? June 4th

Age? 23

Year born? 1995

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