Answer the questions about your FIRST born. The one who made you a mom!

1. Epidural? Yes
2. Father in the room? Yes
3. Induced? Yes
4. Know the sex beforehand? Yes
5. Due date? 08/07/2014
6. Birth date? 08/14/2014
7. Morning sickness? No
8. Food Cravings? Fries, plantains, crabs
9. Pounds gained? 45lbs
10. Sex of the baby? Boy
11. Place you gave birth? Hazleton PA-Lehigh valley hospital
12. Hours in labour? 23hours
13. Baby's weight? 8lbs 12oz
14. Baby's name: Delante Cardoza
15. How old is your baby today? 4 💕
16. How was your baby born? C section

**Come on Mamas! Let's hear your story! Copy and paste your answers below 💜

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