I’m not the type to just brush things under the rug and move on. I like to address issues and communicate, like adults. By how do you do that with someone who shuts down and stays silent and then tries to wake up the next day like nothing happened? How can you be with someone who makes you feel worse after venting certain things? I thought when you were in a relationship you tried to support each other and understand each others feelings. I was talking about not getting to go anywhere yesterday and my SO just started on about “quit acting like you have it so bad”. I’m sorry, but I’m sure it’s hard to understand for someone who gets to go and do as he pleases whenever. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Communicate over a letter or text. If that doesn’t work, try planning ahead of time dates for you guys. That way if he doesn’t want to communicate and understand your feelings you can at least get out the house. Set days where it’s just you alone as well as date night for you two and date night for your family.
19.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes it's down to communication style. What's conversation to you may be confrontation to him. Have you tried another way like maybe text or something just to open the convo then you can continue verbally.
19.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Actually yesterday this happened with us. I wanted to grocery shop and he was tired from the work week and I felt stuck... But you gotta pick and choose some battles lol. I find it's easier to go out myself or go for a walk when he shuts me down...and sometimes later he apologizes. So that's progress.
19.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
This sounds like me and SO...I've come to realize, that we're wired differently. It's hard...because I'm the type to make up and communicate, sleep happy. While he's the shut down, sleep angry, wake up like nothing happened.
Obviously, their way is not addressing the problem...but at the same time, they're so used to this way, it takes time to work on...I'm still trying lol...but when he shuts down, try to still stay calm and talk usual and not give in to the heat, or it can escalate. And then when the you guys are happy and not in the situation casually bring it up and try to discuss it...
If you find any other ways, let me know too lol.
19.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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