Divorced mamas? I need advice.. I've decided I'm going to leave my mentally abusive husband (idk how or when yet) but I'm terrified of how he'll act when I tell him, or if he'll try to take our daughter from me. Before she was born we agreed if we ever split, custody would be 50/50. However, since she's been born, he has made threats to me during fights that he will do everything he can to keep her from me, and he'll make sure I never see her again, etc etc.
What is the separation/divorce process like, and what are my rights when it comes to our 10 month old?
Ps. I'm in CA.
California is a very pro mom state. What I would do is leave him and make sure you file for a divorce and custody first usually whoever files first *usually* gets primary custody. If you have any evidence of abuse you may be able to file a temporary restraining order and if you add your daughter into it she won’t have to go with dad until the actual custody agreement is set.
Leave while hes at work and file the day before. Thats what i did with my older kids. Even tho i had no job at court i still got custody . Completely leaving with all my belongings while he was at work, i didn't have to face the wrath of his craziness
I left a very rough relationship 4 years ago. He was physically and mentaly abusive. He used to also threat me he would take the kids. But I finaly broke free and now im in an amazing marriage with my now husband and have all my kids. It can be hard but you can do it.
I would talk to a divorce lawyer in Ca. They can help you with your rights for Ca. They usually give you the first hour free to see if it’s even worth taking your case.