Hi ladies, so like my status said before, i just finished my chemo...my husband and I are ttc once more ...anyway i kinda felt off kinda like when i was pregnant previously but i havent had a period for 6 months now how will i know if i am or when to test? Anyone???
@t3mp3rz88, Were you given the go ahead to TTC? I know as a nurse many of my post chemo patients were required to see an RE prior to trying. If your medications would effect pregnancy or viability this would have been discussed with you if your doctor was aware. What medications are you on? If you’d rather in box me that’s ok too!
@beakymcspence thanks hun im gona take a test this weekend see what it is i just feel totally pregnant but not even sure if it would be viable due to all my meds if i am
I would take a test hun, and if it’s negative maybe speak with your doctor on what’s causing the delay in your cycle. I work on L&D and have had many moms who’s cycles were extremely irregular after chemotherapy treatments.
@t3mp3rz88, I know if someone that didn’t go through chemo, if it’s not normal to miss their period, after 6 weeks to contact their dr. I’m not sure how long you should.
You can certainly take a test anytime to see what it says. Did they give you instructions on when to see a dr if your period doesn’t start back on its own?