Laura Johnson
Laura Johnson
Omg Robert had his first part day at daycare today. Had a total meltdown when he got there, was fine while I was gone then as soon as he saw my car pull in started freaking g out until I got ahold of him. Poor monkey. Now he is having a long nap and is exhausted. I wish mat leave was longer, I don't want to go back to work and leave him at daycare .... sigh.... any moms have the daycare blues?

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@crharmer they have cameras throughout the room that I can view and I get daily write ups on food naps activities bowl movements etc. Its a really great daycare it's just crazy expensive and I hate being away from him when we have almost exclusively been together this whole time
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was a supply teacher and I worked around my husband's schedule. When I landed a full time contract my son started daycare at 18 months. It didn't really get much better until this year when he went from the toddler room to preschool room.
It's so tough though, but its reassuring when you know they're well taken care of when you leave. Does your provider/centre provide you with updates or pictures? I this app that my centre provides called Hi Mama. They post pictures of my kids and updates of when they were changed, what they ate, and nap times, etc.
Really hoping it gets easier for you both!
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I don’t go back till November but I’m dreading it. I hate that I won’t know what he’s doing and if he’s having a good day.
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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