Been feeling nauseous on and off for the past couple days, along with on and off lower back && cramp like pains....and lately been having diarrhea (sorry TMI) but today this nauseous feeling feels like I’m ready to throw up any minute and feel like I can’t stand without feeling like I wanna cry 😩 I have doctor appts Wednesday (another ultrasound and actual check up) I’m suppose to have him next Friday...but my doctor keeps telling me she doesn’t think he will wait that long .... this is all new for me cause with my first I never went into labor on my own he never even dropped! So idk what’s going on lol

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@ladyblauvelt_mommyof2, yea I have cramping on and off that are mild also but nothing to make me feel like I wanna cry...ima say lately my back has been giving me a problem more than anything...and if I don’t have diarrhea then I have the feeling that I need to poop but when I go to the bathroom nothing comes out ...I’ve been doing that also for like a week...I have 2 doctor appts Wednesday. One for my 4th ultrasound too see how big he is again cause they been saying my whole pregnancy he will be a big baby&& then another one later in the day for my regular check up...i keep telling her I been having like butt cramps lol and the diarrhea/feeling the need to poop but nothing is there and she only said she has a feeling he will come before next Friday...crossing my fingers for next Friday lol I’m suppose to have another C section
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@jerseymomx2 I honestly didn't have many symptoms. I had contractions that were mild and they didn't effect me much. I was supposed to have a repeat csection on the 13th of July but my doctor agreed to try and induce me the day before in hopes to avoid it. On the 12th we headed up to the hospital, I was still feeling contractions but they didn't really bother me. Once I got to the hospital I was still feeling alright, got put into a triage room, still not feeling much, then was told I was 4cm dilated and I was in labor so there was no need to induce me. Got put into a delivery room and after about an hour I really started feeling contractions and was in a lot of pain. I ended up needing an epidural but within 8 hours of being at the hospital, I had my sonm
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ladyblauvelt_mommyof2, that’s what I’m hearing that labor will be coming soon, I just never been through this...with my first I was induced I never had any of this happen! How did it feel for you before you went into labor?
13.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Sounds like labor will be happening really soon, you may even be in the very early stages of it. The body usually cleans itself out before labor (hence the diarrhea) and the lower back pain and cramps could very well be contractions. I didn't drop with my 2nd either.
13.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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