Had an anxiety attack at work last night. Someone had a beautiful baby girl, that must have JUST started walking from the looks of it. She was standing in an adult chair on her own .😑 As I'm walking towards the table next to them, the baby side steps and falls on the floor. 😥 My heart about burst from my chest. I wanted to snatch her up and hold her like she was mine. She was fine but I had to call and talk to my baby girl to calm down my hormones. I'm only on day 3 of being back to work.

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@nunumom02 . She was right next to her but there are high chairs available.
12.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would of had an anxiety attack too, was the mom or dad nearby? At that age I never let her climb chairs they are still wobbly and learning their little legs.
12.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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