@aria_daddy07, no I was scheduled to be induced in two days so I packed the bag just because and figured I’d go over it the next day to make sure I had everything I went to bed for two hours and woke up to my water broke. Wasn’t having contractions or anything yet at all
Last week lol
I put the car seat bases in our cars as soon as I got them then my husband just brought the car seat itself once I was admitted. This time I’ll probably do the same.
My water broke at 41 weeks. I packed the hospital bag the night before 😂 then had my mom swing by my house and get the car seat from my house on her way to pick me up from the hospital
Um Now since your 39 weeks. With my first I had my stuff in the car 3 weeks early. Twins were scheduled so car seats the night before but bags at 34 weeks.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Now, your 39 weeks pregnant! I did when I was 37. Lol
Some hospitals give you car seats if you don’t already have one. I know when i delivered i already had my car seat in the car and they gave me another one