@tjessica2006, it’s been 7 years since I bought some. I think any grocery but probably feed myer or Trader Joe’s. My OB also said there’s another dose that seems to actually work well but will tell me tomorrow at my appointment
@tjessica2006, I was 3cm dilated from 32weeks until 38+4 then my water broke. Dilation doesn’t mean anything as far as you’ll go into labor soon. And you have no idea you won’t go into labor by 40 weeks. It can happen all of a sudden. Hang in there!
Nothing works lol I’ve tried it all! I was 3 days late. The day I went into labor was the same day I had an appt to schedule an induction 😂
07.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am saying this as kindly as I can. Full term is 39-40weeks. You want your baby's lungs to develop as long as it can. Its perfectly healthy inside your belly but if you have it before your baby is ready then there may be complications and just because you are not dilated right now does not mean you will not dilate. For my 8 year old I dilated right before labor at 40 weeks. It took 3 days to dilate more and go into full labor.
I agree with these ladies. Wait until your body is ready, unless it’s medically necessary, don’t rush anything. With that said, just because you were dilated at this point with your older son, doesn’t mean you body is going to do it again right now. Each and every pregnancy is different.
@tjessica2006, If you're trying to put yourself into early labor, YOU ARE risking your child's health. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. Don't be selfish.
@tjessica2006, you being ready isn’t enough. Your body needs to be ready, your baby needs to be ready. Get some rest. We sign on for pregnancy knowing it’s 40 weeks... let baby bake.