- Anyone Has The Birth Control The Implant (Nexplanon) ?? If So What are the pros and cons of it ? HELP

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- Thank You for your input ladies ! @x_storm @vvrobinson @myworld94
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Cons: I bled on it the entire time. It caused me to have severe cystic acne and a lot of hair loss, depression, always angry and super bloated.. pros: no pregnancy. I was on it for a year. I’m now anemic and I’m trying to fix the damage it did to my skin
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I feel like you can Google the side effects by yourself. As far as the injection of the implant it's unpleasant but not terrible. They mark a part of your inner arm then they inject the numbing shot. That psrt Burns and is very unpleasant. After the injection of the numbing stuff they give you 10-15 minutes to numb up and from there you feel nothing. It takes 10 seconds for the implant to be injected. Healing wise you keep the bandage on 24 hours. Then you can shower and wash it with soap. Dry the steri strip as best as you can. The steri strip will stay on until it falls off on it's own mine lasted 4 days. In this healing time nursing will be slightly uncomfortable when nursing either the baby's foot or arm could bump your arm so be careful. In 7 days you should be good to have unprotected sex and you're safe for 3 years. Everyone I know who has it had different side effects. I had the first model years ago called the implanon, it is now discontinued and replaced with this better model. How it'll affect me we will see but hopefully better. So far I've only had random bouts of nausea.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Cons: suicidal thoughts, mood swings, severe depression, heavy periods or longer periods, weight gain.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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