Hey Mommas! When did you start letting your babies start drinking water? I am hearing a few different reasons not to start before 6 months and even a year. My mother and a few others folks say it is okay to just do it.
@mariapb, Wowwww! I will look into this. Yes, some of my family and friends are so hard pressed to start giving him water in between his formula feedings.
Around 6 months she would get sips of water here and there because she would want to sip from my water cup but I didn’t start putting water in a sippy cup for her until she started eating solid meals and would give her water with her meals so probably around 9-10 months
I didn’t start with water till 13 months with my oldest because the doctor never said anything and I never thought of it and my youngest I’m gonna wait awhile until he starts eating solids and okayed by doctors I would bring it up to your doctor at his 6 month appointment I wouldn’t do it before the okay from the doctor
They really don’t need water while they’re getting milk as their main source of food. I started giving my son around an ounce a day when I started him on solids at 6 months but he would take a couple of sips all day. Now he’s older he gets water in his cup throughout the day to grab when he wants it. Look up water intoxication for more info and guidelines.
6 months is when MY doctor gave me the go ahead. i give like, an ounce or 2 a day maybe, if he eats food that day or not.. but really, I think they're fine with breast milk or formula.