Amanda Torres
Amanda Torres
Hey moms question. I posted before that my son just got diagnosed with hand mouth foot disease. My son is trying to sleep now but he keeps waking up crying for maybe 2 minutes then goes back to sleep for 10. Just to repeat the same pattern. Is there anything I can do besides medication to help him right now ?

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Not really. Just pain management. It’s actually super painful. We had it a couple years ago both kids got it and then I did. I remember the first day feeling like I got hit by a truck. Hope he feels better soon.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Lots of snuggles & comfort. My son had this a couple of weeks ago and the first night he was up every 45 mins all night long. I slept in the rocking chair in his room because he was waking so often. Luckily for us that only happened the very first night & he slept fine all the other nights.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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