Judith Flores
Judith Flores
Mamas who are around 30 weeks, has your baby flipped yet? I remember my kids were upside down at this stage in pregnancy but this little guy hasn't flipped. I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. They said he still has a couple of weeks time but I'm starting to get worried.

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Mine hasn’t yet. I’ll be 31 weeks and she is still transverse.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
My baby flipped on his own (or maybe it was from me walking a ton) at 35 weeks. Really they want to see baby head down by 36-37 weeks. You have plenty of time. Despite what many people say there’s plenty of room in there for your baby to rotate. I highly recommend against manual manipulation. Google some yoga type exercises to try to get baby to move on their own
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mines been head down since 29 weeks thankfully, but there is so much time left
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@ohsillyme529, sadly no. But I've come to terms with the fact I'll be having a csection. My son was born with the cord around his neck and it turned out just fine. But this time baby is breach with cord around the neck and measuring much bigger then my son was (some how haha) so we are having a csec cuz it's looking like the safest rought. But we where going to do the version which might still be an option for you if they don't see any reason not to. So don't think cuz it didn't work for me It won't work for you. Every case is different. And you do still have time for baby to turn or like you say ask about your options. Best of luck to you. Really try not to worry to much.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@paperplane btw, did your baby end up turning at all?
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@paperplane thanks so much for your advice. I'm going to wait a couple more weeks. I should be having another ultrasound in 2-3 weeks. If baby doesn't turn by then I will definitely talk to my doctor about my options. I just worry about having to have a c section if he doesn't turn. But I would definitely be more worried about turning him with his cord by his neck.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I made a post just like this when I was 30 weeks. People often recommended that same site and many sites recommended some poses and stretches to try. Now on one of the sites I read its best to talk to your dr before trying to turn he baby like this. And here is what happend to me. I talked to my dr before trying these poses. He advised against it. And we found out later that the likely reason that the baby never turned was that the cord is currently around the baby's neck. (Doing just fine) and that my waters are on the low side. Not to low just low on the acceptable scale. Now if I did try these poses in my opinion if they worked and baby turned I worry that the cord may have tightened and caused a problem. So I'm very glad I didn't try these poses. So I guess I'm commenting for some advice based on my experience, trust your instincts, talk about this topic with your dr when ever you feel off. Try not to worry. And just count kicks like they recommend and ask as many questions that you like.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
The website spinning babies is good.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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