Sandi West
Sandi West
Need some advice from anyone who’s been TTC long term. We just hit the 3yr mark of TTC 😢 and I’m struggling. My husband is on all kinds of hormones and they are making him do and say things he wouldn’t usually and I feel like we’re ruining our marriage trying to get pregnant. I just feel completely hopeless right now and need to know how people make it through this! Pls somebody give me your ‘it took us 5 yrs’ success story or something 😭😭

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I'm in the same boat. We have been trying for almost 6 years now. Been pregnant twice. Both ended in miscarriage. We have now been trying for over 2 years with no pregnancy . This is the longest we've tried without a pregnancy. I'm praying 3rd time is the charm. And hoping it happens for us again soon and that the pregnancy results in a healthy baby. I'll be praying for you too.
06.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm in the same boat 2 years ttc. Prayers and blessings your way
05.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Not in the same boat but we were one and a half years trying. Currently 8 weeks pregnant and no previous children, chemical in March. It is an extremely difficult time and a very frustrating time. It feels like it happens to everyone else and the pressure on a marriage is huge! I had a procedure called a hsg - where they flush your tubes and I started taking extra vitamin d. There was nothing medically wrong with either of us. Within a few month of those things I fell pregnant. Don’t lose hope 💕
05.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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