@casey.jay.71626, yeah I wouldn’t want hostility either. But you don’t have to be best friends to have a good parenting relationship with her. The bio mom and I still communicate well but we keep everything about the kids. As long as you treat the kids like your own and are respectful and civil towards her, I feel like you would be doing what’s necessary. That’s my opinion of course.
I'm a step mom. It's a long story and alot of hard times. Our son is turning 9 and I came into the picture with him when he was 4. My hubby has had custody of him since he was 3. So our son lives with us and bio mom lives in another province, now anyways.
There is actually a group chat for step moms. @patsfan32, can add you to it if you want!
Me personally, I was/am just civil with bio mom and we have a relationship that only consists of discussions about the kids. I didn’t go out of my way to try and build a close relationship outside of mine and my husbands responsibility for the kiddos. She is my husbands ex wife and trying to build a close friendship would have made him feel awkward.