So dex is going through this phase.... he’ll bite or he’ll hit or something he knows he shouldn’t do... we tell him no. I will even spank his butt once too... not very hard (Please no judging on this) but this only encourages him to do it more. He’ll cry and be upset but will continue to do it. Anyone else deal with this or knows another way to get him to listen? I hate feeling like I’m constantly telling him no.

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Sometimes I hate always saying no so I created a baby safe area his nursery room and I let him be free. Nothing in there he can touch and get hurt so I don't have to say no
04.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
If you want to spank your child that’s completely up to you don’t let anyone make you feel bad about doing it either! Remedy has been doing the same thing not a lot tho! honestly when she does it I tell her “No hitting” “not nice give hug and kisses.” She give me or whoever a hug. It seemed to work really well for her.
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
It definitely comes with the age! I’m trying really hard with Lilly. She also likes to take toys. I think they just aren’t good at expressing their feelings yet.
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mhbb3, Very well said!
I would definitely try the reward system and positive parenting as well! Works pretty good for us. However I’d be lying if I said he didn’t have these mischievous moods sometimes. But I find with good sleep/nap and a full belly, he snaps out of it quick. This is definitely a tough age for these little ones! Good luck mama
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
You can't tell him not to hit and then hit him for doing that. He's acting out with violence already. Children aren't great at expressing emotions. I suggest cutting out the physical punishment since you yourself said it's not helping and doing a time out and reward system instead.

Eta I am not saying this negatively. Spanking works for some children I guess. I don't think yours is one of them.
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@spookylyn, hmmmm that’s an interesting idea!! I’ll try that with him and see if he responds differently! Thank you!!!
02.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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