I know how that is my cousin has a son named Xavier like my sons name. She had her son first, but my husband wanted Xavier or Carl (family name) I didn’t want Carl so Xavier it was .
@mmgarcia81, yes I also love those names but we decided with Christian so we also call him Chris. I also didn’t want to name none of my kids the same names that were in our family because I remember growing up I here Maria’s,Carmen’s,Betty’s ect. Btw I do have cousins named like that & more 2 of each names that I said ugh that’s to much🤦🏻♀️
I love the names Christian and Christopher. We have a friend who has a son named Vincent. It’s such a cute name .
My nephews names are
Those are cute too
@mmgarcia81, the names that you like that was our names that we were going to decide on our son so we went with Christian
@rocky3, idk if it’s hard for you to pick boys names it was for me but what@mmgarcia81, said I think I also like Vicente you could also call him chente or my son’s name is Christian Cruz we were also going to name him Nicolas Cruz
Vicente is his dads name.
I love Gabriel, Sebastian, Emilio, Christian, Luciano, Julian.