Rachel G
Rachel G
Sleeping through the night advice needed!
My third baby is now 10 months old. He always wakes at least once to eat, sometimes twice. I try to feed him more ounces during the day but he refuses to eat it if he’s not in the mood- so I’m fairly certain he isn’t getting the 24 ounces during the day. Maybe 20. I don’t remember what I did for the other two to sleep through the night but they were great sleepers early on. Any advice on how I can approach this? I’m ready for a fun night of sleep this year.

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My son is 11 months and eats lots of carbs! It keeps him really full. He eats vegetable rice with Greek yoghurt (I mix the yoghurt in so it’s easier for him to swallow). He also loves spaghetti bolognaise. Basically whatever we are eating he will eat! Try switching the food up and adding carbs. If he’s had dinner early and I need to feed him something before bed I always offer a banana he eats the whole thing haha he went from waking twice to sleeping 10hr stint, wake up to eat and back down for another 2/3 hours.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Haha. I hope it just happens quickly lol. Yeah he eats 3 times a day. I always give him avocado/banana in the morning, fruit/veg and yogurt for lunch, and fruit/veg for dinner. Sometimes he has our food if it’s soft enough. Yeah I think it may be habit 😕
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
It's probably more of a habit rather then needing it. He's getting food right?
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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